Industrial maintenance

Industrial maintenance

A highly demanding sector

Industrial maintenance requirements are based on planning and preparation, quick response times, mobility, adaptability and flexibility, information management and traceability, monitoring and reliability.

A wide range of technologies are used in this sector: machining, electricity, electronics, hydraulics, pneumatics, robotics, electronic engineering, electromechanics and more. 

Examples of use

  • For all types of industrial activity

Click on the image to see the product range

Trades involved

  • Maintenance manager
  • Maintenance agent
  • Maintenance technician
  • Electrical engineer
  • Maintenance mechanic
  • Automation maintenance agent
  • Automation technician
  • Electronic maintenance and installation technician
  • Maintenance operator

The right furniture

Sofame’s extensive range caters to the needs of the maintenance sector in terms of workstations, workbenches, trolleys, storage units, computer stations and seats.

Sofame’s products are designed to fit in a range of industrial environments. They are naturally suited to the restrictions of maintenance work and are compatible with the technology used.

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