Standard manufacturing

Standard manufacturing

SOFAME’s main activity is the manufacture of the standard range of industrial furniture presented in its general catalogue.
These products are well-known and recognized on the furniture market for their quality of manufacture, strength and value for money.
As of today, the catalogue comprises 3,000 products which can be painted in 12 different colours chosen from the catalogue colour-chart. They are grouped in five large families designed to equip industrial or logistical workplaces.

Workbenches and workstations

From the simplest to the most sophisticated, they are designed to meet a wide range of users’ needs determined by their professions. Functional, ergonomic, aesthetic and economic aspects are all taken into account to match the constraints of each industrial or logistical activity as closely as possible.


Service trolleys, roller cabinets and carts

For supplying workstations with components, tools, substances and materials, ready to hand for the user.


Tools, accessories and components have their places in cabinets or chests of drawers, whose door closures, shelves and drawers make them easy to locate, especially in the context of a 5S organization. Some cabinets are equipped with software to facilitate management of the product stocks that they contain, ensuring their accessibility, and enabling traceability of the parts by reference, user or manager. They can also be connected to a central computerized management system.

Data processing and meetings

Digital equipment is now present on production sites and the control of workshops and machines requires computers installed on workstations which both record and protect equipment. Similarly, meeting areas are no longer found in tertiary zones alone. They now occupy a place in the production zone to coordinate the actions of teams and render production more fluid, as recommended by techniques such as lean management. The standing conference table is especially suited to efficient discussion and current ergonomic practice, which favours the standing position and the movement of workers.


With the passage of time, this has become a major preoccupation for decision makers and users to combat the modern disease of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), and especially the present-day scourge of back pain. Spectacular advances in workers’ well-being and the incidence of absenteeism and occupational diseases are observed with improvements in chairs, stools and other seating arrangements in the working environment.

The SOFAME general catalogue presents these articles in detail, specifying their references, names, dimensional characteristics, permissible loads, construction modes and materials, finishes, special characteristics, accessories, products that can be associated with them, certificates and quality labels awarded.
Detailed technical specifications, specialist documents, photos and current prices can be downloaded to present these products more effectively.
All these articles are referenced and need no special studies before manufacture. They can therefore be delivered within reasonably short periods, usually within one month.

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